We have this fun, great new contest we're going to start today, and I think you'll all enjoy it.
It's a photo contest, and who doesn't like photo contest!
Quite, you!
The photo you're going to take is of you, your cat, your dog, girlfriend, your mailman, someone... with soap! (seriously, we had to throw soap in there somewhere, give me a break already). Doesn't have to be our soap, any soap.
And, it has to be a humorous photo.
Not a serious soap photo.
Not a pulitzer price winning soap photo. Fun. Like this, except with more prominent soap...

Anyway, here are the rules.
1. Photo must be shot by the person submitting the photo (or, have you in it).
2. Publish a link to our contest page on your blog, with your photo posted there, then leave us a comment and give us the link!
3. Hmmm...
Ok, I could only think of two rules.
We'll have 3 winners and there will be a poll for visitors to choose their favorite!
Each winner will receive a $30 gift certificate to Soapier, which you can use online at Soapier.com.
That's it. Contest starts today, ends June 11th (I'll give you all a month to really buckle down and take your best shot).
Thanks again for stopping by, this should be a lot of fun!
John @ Soapier.com
What an adorable kitty. Big Meows :)
That Kitty looks like he is thinking "Gheesh, the things I do for my pet human!"
I have a cat that's good when he's being bathed. He'll just sit there. How did you get yours to lay on it's back?
I blogged about your contest on A Contest Blog at http://acontestblog.com/index.php/2008/soapier-funny-photo-contest/
Good luck!
Does it have to be an actual bar or bottle of soap? Can it just be the bubbles the soap causes?
anything having to do with soap is fine ;)
@valmg - it's not our cat, I just found that funny pic online somewhere. My cats are even lazier than that!
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